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Audio Dharma Talks
Recommended Reading for Insight Meditation
- Seeking the heart of wisdom: The path of insight meditation
. Joseph Goldstein and Jack Kornfield.
ISBN 0-87773-327-9
- A gradual awakening.
Stephen Levine.
ISBN 0 09 1412315
- The experience of insight: A natural unfolding
. Joseph Goldstein
ISBN 0 7045 0370 0
- The heart of Buddhist meditation.
Nyanaponika Thera
ISBN 0 09 152331 1
- A path with heart
. Jack Kornfield.
ISBN 0 553 37211 4
- An awakened life
. Christopher Titmuss.
ISBN 0 7126 7088 2
- Light on enlightenment
. Christopher Titmuss.
- Zen mind, beginner’s mind.
Shunryu Suzuki
. ISBN 0 8348 0079 9
- Loving kindness: The revolutionary art of happiness
. Sharon Salzberg
- Woman Awake!
Christina Feldman.
- Cutting through spiritual materialism
Chogyam Trungpa.
- The myth of freedom.
Chogyam Trungpa.
- Breath by breath: The liberating practice of insight meditation.
Larry Rosenberg