SIM invites you to a two day non-residential retreat in July 2024 with Auckland-based teacher Jill Shepherd.
Rest, resilience, renewal, release: Exploring the four brahmavihāra heart qualities in daily life
The four brahmavihāra heart practices of kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity are powerful tools that strengthen our inner resources, helping us to navigate the individual and collective challenges of our times.
Although the brahmavihāra are often taught as formal meditation practices to develop concentration, in this weekend workshop, we will explore a range of different approaches aimed at cultivating these skillful qualities in the midst of everyday life. Through a mix of guided meditations, dharma talks and small group discussion, we will develop the capacity to rest in kindness, strengthen resilience through compassion, orient to appreciative joy for renewal of our energy, and experience the peace of equanimity that comes through the release of reactivity.
Dates: July 20th-21st 2024
Saturday 20th July – 9.00am doors open for a prompt 9.30 start. 4.30 pm finish
Sunday 21st July – 9.15 am doors open for prompt 9.30 start. 5 pm finish
Please note that attendance is required for all of both days!
Venue: Mary Potter Community Centre
442 Durham Street North
Christchurch 8014
Cost: $100 Plus Dana
Note: If you are unable to afford the full cost, we may be able to assist. Please contact us at southern.insight.meditation “at” to discuss options prior to registering.
This is a two step process:
1) Fill in the registration form here and
2) Pay your $50 deposit online (or pay the full cost of the retreat) as follows:
To complete your registration, please pay at least $50 through Online Banking, or by making a deposit at a Kiwibank branch, to Southern Insight Meditation, 38-9017-0230890-04.
Please include the code “JS2024” and YOUR NAME as details with your payment.
Full payment can be made immediately. Payment of the remainder of the $100 is required by Friday 5th July.
Full refunds are available before this date. As a general rule, refunds are not given after this date.